ATX Together: Vaccinating Central Texas

Posted on March 29, 2021

ATX Together: Vaccinating Central Texas is now available to stream.
Scientists say vaccinations are the most powerful weapon against COVID-19. But Texas is toward the back of the pack in getting shots in arms. Many people hardest hit by the pandemic have yet to be vaccinated. Judy Maggio talks with public health experts about what’s working, what’s not and what still needs to be done to get the majority of Central Texans vaccinated.

Austin Public Health
General COVID-19 information
Pre-register for COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 testing sites
Vaccs Facts (English) - 3/23/21
Vaccs Facts (Español) - 3/23/21

Need help signing up for your vaccines?
Austin Vaccine Angels is a volunteer-run group that is focused on helping seniors, those who are not technologically savvy, people who have a day job that limits computer access or those with experience language barriers. They can also help with transportation. Fill out the intake form as completely as possible so they can help.

Centers for Disease Control
How do these vaccines work?
Are these vaccines safe?
Why should I get vaccinated?

Vaccine Finder - Not in Austin? Find a vaccination site near you.

"Disparities seen in vaccinations" - Austin American Statesman, 01/31/21
"Eastern Crescent’s Path to Get Past Pandemic Is Rough" - The Austin Chronicle, 03/19/21
"Adults with Down Syndrome need shot" - Austin American Statesman, 03/09/21
"After old age, intellectual disability is greatest risk factor for death from COVID-19" - EurekAlert!, 03/05/21
"Opinion: Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Were Excluded From COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Guidelines” - Psychological Science, 02/12/21
Bring the COVID-19 Vaccine to Homebound Elders - Austin Public Health and Meals on Wheels Central Texas

Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Stories - The survey is open through April 30. Texans with developmental disabilities, their caregivers and families and others can share their personal experiences and how COVID-19 has affected their lives. This information will be used to inform lawmakers.